Saturday 2 August 2014

Day 4. Collapsing and Contemplative

Well. Here we are. The last night of our trip....and I don't remember the last time I was this tired. We've worked our tails off the last 3 days and we're exhausted. But its a ”good tired”.

This morning was spent as a course marshal on a children's triathlon event here in town. You can read more about it here.
Great event. Kinda makes me wish I was a kids again.

It felt meaningful to shout out to the young riders from the side of the road, especially the ones with beet red faces bringing up the rear. I was one of those kids once and know how it feels to be left in the dust of our more naturally athletic counterparts.  I had my bike with me and was able to ride 100 yards or so to cheer on the last kid. I think she appreciated it.  She seemed to enjoy a small burst of energy.

I also appreciated the tags the kids had pinned to their shirts. Instead of wearing numbers each participant's name was displayed. As they passed, I was often able to quickly read their tag and encourage them by name.

I was struck again by just how formative these experiences are for all kids. That we as adults need to cheerlead for our kids in a world that won't.

I will write more in the coming days, but one initial conclusion of my experience on this trip is this. I might know a bunch of stuff about a bunch of stuff, but my actions are what really count. As a (or a few) wise person (people) once said, "People don't care about what you know until they know that you care"

It's easy for me to postulate about theories and philosophies about how things should be done.  But it's not so easy for me to get stuck in and lead the charge into action. I'd like that to change.

So I'll be taking some time over the next few weeks to think more about that, and what that should mean for me personally as I continue to grow in my walk with Christ. I'd appreciate you joining me in prayer on that journey.

I'm also looking forward to the drive home with my favorite 9 year old. I expect she's got some nuggets too.

Good night Friend
Sandy (for Abigail too)

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